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High quality custom acrylic sneeze guards in Michigan ​

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High-Quality Custom Acrylic Sneeze Guards In Michigan

Because of the global pandemic, people across the globe are coming up with different ways to stay protected. Not only that, there are plenty of efforts to slow down and reduce the spread of the virus.

As the world strives to continue with everyday activities, businesses have resumed operations. Health and safety guidelines have been put in place. This is to ensure the safety of both customers and employees. Part of this is installing acrylic sneeze guards and desk shields.

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What Are Sneeze Guards?

Acrylic sneeze guards are made of clear acrylic sheets that can be installed or mounted on various surfaces. These are physical barriers that can prevent the spread of germs and viruses. Acrylic sheets or panels are used to block any droplets coming from a person’s nose or mouth.

These are commonly used in industries with in-person business transactions such as:

  • Check-out counters
  • Restaurants
  • Banks
  • Pharmacies
  • Reception desks
  • Clinics
  • And more

Types of Sneeze Guards

  1. U-Shaped–three acrylic panels that can be set up using L brackets. These can go on desks, counters, or table areas. These acrylic sneeze guards for desks typically have a front panel access hole that allows for payment or item exchanges. These are popularly used for cash registers, customer service desks, reception desks, and the like.
  2. Single-Face – a clear acrylic sheet that can either be detached or hanging. It can also have interlocked feet to keep it upright. These provide a layer of protection from customer to employee. These are often used in nail salons, retail stores, and offices.
  3. Acrylic Dividers–a system of acrylic panels that are used to protect people sitting side by side. These can be mounted on tabletops or go from floor to above head, depending on your need.

This is the best sneeze guard for restaurants, cafes, office workstations, cafeterias, and anywhere that people need to sit alongside each other.

Your Health & Safety Partner in Michigan

Acrylic sneeze guards for desks and other surfaces let us conduct regular activities while ensuring our safety as well as others. Michigan Custom Signs is committed to helping your business with essential safety tools and supplies. We provide high-quality acrylic sneeze guards for restaurants, offices, retail stores, and more.

Let us help your business protect your customers and employees! Learn more about the best sneeze guard options for your Michigan business today! Contact us for a free consultation.

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