Sign shop in Michigan

Custom van wraps in Novi​

Making an Impact with Van Wraps

When it comes to efficient advertising and brand-building in Michigan, you just cannot beat van wraps. You can use billboards, print media, and other paid forms of advertising, but those are often expensive. You also pay daily, weekly, or monthly to get your name out in front of potential customers. Then you have to pay again and again without knowing if your marketing is having any impact.

That reality makes the one-time cost of van wraps a true bargain. When you use custom van wraps on your fleet vehicles, you achieve thousands of impressions every day your fleet is in operation. Van wrap advertising also provides full market coverage. Instead of a limited area exposure, your commercial van wraps go everywhere your customers are.

Instead of paying those bills every month and wondering if anyone is seeing your message, you will be advertising every minute your vehicles are on the road with that single initial investment. Your brand will stand alone and not be part of the clutter of other advertisers. Why not take advantage of your own traveling billboard?

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Fed Ex Custom Vehicle Wraps for Business
Fed Ex Custom Vehicle Wraps for Business
Custom Truck Wraps for Business
Custom Truck Wraps for Business

Brand Building Brought to New Heights Michigan Businesses

The professionals at Michigan Custom Signs will create your own custom van graphics. This makes your van wrap advertising a powerful way to keep your firm name and message in front of potential customers while making deliveries, responding to service calls, and anytime your fleet is on the road. Instead of an easy-to-ignore billboard zipping by, van vinyl wraps allow Michigan drivers the time to notice and remember your marketing message.

We will help you choose the best wrap for your vehicles. We will show how full van wraps allow you a large amount of “real estate” to communicate your logo, special services and products, and your website and contact information. Whether sitting at a stoplight or traveling alongside that potential client, you are getting results with a great ROI. Instead of a nondescript vehicle traveling around, your fleet is doing double duty and getting the word out.


Michigan Custom Signs is the area leader and the place to call when you wonder, “Where can I find a van wrapping near me?” As the van wrap experts in Michigan, we offer all types of van wraps. Whether you need cargo van wraps or delivery van wraps in Michigan, we can help you understand the many possibilities and uses of van wraps.

Simply come to us, and we will assist you in developing the custom van wrap that will get results. We use the finest of materials and will tailor your wrap to convey the perfect message to your clients and prospects.

If you are considering van wraps or wondering if there is a Michigan provider of top-quality van decals near you, you’re just one call or click away from having all the answers. Our extensive experience and state-of-the-art capabilities ensure we can deliver the van wrap that will meet your specific needs. Make the smartest marketing move you can today with custom van wraps.

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