Sign shop in Michigan

Outdoor Advertising Signs – Why Choose Channel Letters?

LED Channel Letter Signs by Michigan Custom Signs

If you take a moment to think about some of the most dramatic and impressive business signs you have noticed, it is a good chance it was a channel letter sign. These 3-dimensional channel letter signs are often used to maximize visibility and the prominence of company names. If you think of an effective channel letter sign in this market area, there is a good chance our team created and installed it.

While all signage has appropriate usages and applications, our creative and experienced team at Michigan Custom Signs will help you decide if well-designed channel letter signage fits into your marketing plans. We have created some of the most effective custom channel letter signs in our marketplace and will help you envision what they might do for your business.

Why Channel Signs?

If your goal is to make your location a readily identified local landmark, you might consider putting custom storefront channel letters to work. These signs are usually made of durable aluminum or aluminum, and sometimes a combination of several materials. A relatively new addition to this option is the use of LED channel letter signage for an even more dramatic 24/7 impact.

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, you need every edge you can utilize to pry into the awareness of your prospects and customers. Combining classy and attention-getting channel signs with your other signage and messaging is an effective way to achieve this goal.

This effectiveness is even greater when you consider the option of using any size, font, color, height, and depth for your channel signs. Our creative approach combines the best of the benefits of this form of signage to deliver maximum impact and visibility.

We can also help you consider ways to use channel signs for both exterior and interior use. While the exterior signs make your business visible and easy to find, they are equally effective in interior applications to reinforce your brand, highlight specific departments or sections, and remind visitors of your marketing message.

The ability to combine lighting with these highly effective signs adds to their impact. Thanks to their design, interior lighting is protected from the weather and ensures your sign is visible in all situations, day and night, rain and shine.

Another advantage of working with the pros at Michigan Custom Signs is our approach to guaranteeing your lifetime satisfaction. Our commitment starts with your initial contact when we take the time to carefully assess your specific needs and marketing goals. We then prepare a detailed proposal that meets those objectives within your specified budget.

Once your signs are completed and professionally installed, we are always on standby to provide maintenance and updates for normal needs and when storms or other factors call for special attention. Your signs are the visible face of your business to the community and your customers, and we ensure you are always putting forth the best face possible!

Work with a Sign Company Near You That Understands

Whatever your sign needs, we will help you choose the options that maximize the power of your brand. Just call or click today and let us get your message out to your customers and prospects.
