Sign shop in Michigan
Lobby Signs

Make Memorable First Impressions with Lobby Signs

A first impression can make or break the customer relationship. Customers have certain expectations when they visit the business, and the lobby is key to meeting those expectations. No two businesses are alike and that’s why there is no single right way to decorate a lobby. Lawyers and chartered accountants’ offices are expected to be smart and understated; a creatives business is expected to wow with cool decor. To think that there is one “best lobby sign” is to risk creating a jarring experience. In this article, we offer tips on how you can make a memorable first impression with your lobby sign.

What is the importance of a sign in the lobby?

Signage must fulfill three fundamental requirements:

  • Display the brand tastefully and identify the business
  • Set the ambiance of the lobby
  • Meet the expectations your customers have of your business

No two businesses need the same kind of sign.

Design Tips for Custom Lobby Signs

Here are some tips for designing the right signs. Remember, the sign does not sit in isolation, it needs to gel with the color of the walls, light fixtures, reception desk, and furniture.

Size – One of the most overlooked aspects but also one of the most important. First, take measurements of the space where you want to install the sign. Consider how far visitors will be from the sign and visualize how the sign will look. Signs will protrude a few inches from the wall, so be mindful of obstructions.

Material choice – There is no hard and fast rule about what material you should use, but it must match the aesthetic you are trying to create. Wood and metal typically have a more ‘traditional’ look, suggesting permanence; acrylic is associated with agile and innovative businesses.

Lighting –Depending on lighting conditions, consider adding backlighting, front lighting, or spotlights. Modern LED setups are extremely compact and can be concealed neatly behind the sign. However, lights should complement the space, not be overwhelming.

Avoid These Mistakes in Your Lobby

It is all too easy to get carried away and overwhelm visitors with fussy styling and excessive lighting. The waiting experience needs to be as pleasant as possible and over-busy design will agitate visitors.

An over-eagerness to sell also comes across as brazen marketing. Your customer has already entered your premises and the goal should be to gently guide them to the sale. If you want to place promotions in front of visitors, digital lobby signage is a great way of doing that. Offers and prices can be updated easily, and active elements can create curiosity.

Custom Lobby Signs in Michigan

Office lobby signs are an important feature of the business and you need a sign company that works with you. At Michigan Custom Signs, we help you create unique designs, provide expert advice on location, and offer a wide selection of lighting options. Talk to a representative to discuss your office lobby sign.